Why is your business need cyber-security?

Cyber-security is the key to success. Internal factors are responsible for 43% of data loss half of them are incidental. New research on cyber-attacks estimates that the average cost of a cyber breach is 3000 £ per incident. Cyber-attacks also affect a company's reputation and drag down the company in legal complications. Many small and medium-size businesses think that they don’t need cyber-security because they are not big companies to be a target for cybercrime but they don’t know that if they are in a profitable business and they don’t have cyber-security so they are the easy targets for the cyber-criminals. When businesses are running on internet websites you don’t want that your website will go down but the reality is that after the cyber attack they can stop the online transaction of your website which will create a negative impact on your business sales.

The global increase in cyber-crime is affecting the productivity of businesses. Around 46% of businesses are facing cyber-attacks. Cyber-security is helping businesses to safeguard their data. Cybersecurity solutions are important for all kinds of businesses that have digital systems.

This is how cyber-security saves your business;

• Reduce your cost
• Protect your company’s repetition
• Avoid legal action
• Safeguard your sensitive data

So how can we help you against the cyber-crime? Let’s connect. We have a great skill and an experienced team ready to go.

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